Thank You for Joining our “Back to School Shopping Day”

Volunteers walk through the racks with their buddy as you shop together – ensuring they feel supported and confident throughout the entire process.

In partnership with, Make Good, Inc. the Volunteer Collective Community took their shopping skills and used them to support Foster Youth across the city. On the weekend of August 6th & 7th, volunteers worked one-on-one with current and former foster youth, walking through the racks to help lead these young adults as part of the “Back to School Shopping Day” before they went off to college. You Supported Current & Former Foster Youth By Helping Them Go “Shopping”

This two-day event at The Emporium: Foster Resource and Literacy Center 5429 W. Washington Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90016, provided these young adults with brand new books, clothing, jackets, shoes, backpacks, school supplies, and other necessities, to help them start their college careers off on the right foot.

Make Good, Inc. and their partner, Children’s Action Network/Fresh Outfitters, is dedicated to increasing positive outcomes for under-served children and foster youth. This invitation-only Pop-Up Shopping Day is expected to serve around two hundred people, so they can use all the volunteers they can get!

The impact you made on these young adults was clear with the wide smiles seen throughout the day. Thank you for making it an event to remember!


Walking Together Campaign: Over 10,000 pairs of shoes & socks were donated and organized by you!


In partnership with Community Kitchen Kits, over 200 newly housed families now have a complete kitchen to call their own.